Kingdom Hearts 3 and Tetsuya Nomura’s Lost Final Fantasy

Joshua Gad
5 min readFeb 8, 2020

Kingdom Hearts is one of the most beloved video game series by Square Enix. The iconic collaboration with Disney in which Sora, Donald, and Goofy travel to various Disney worlds, was originally released in 2002 and has since spawned more than 10 entries in the series. Ever since Kingdom Hearts 2 was released in 2006 fans have waited patiently for the third installment that finally released in January 2019.

If you are looking for a thorough Kingdom Hearts III review this is not it, but I can recommend the Gamasutra article “Kingdom Hearts III: A Conclusion without a Story,” by Joshua Hallaran.

“The stark reality, however, is that Kingdom Hearts III’s narrative is a meandering mess which knows exactly where it’s going but has no idea *why* it’s going there — or how to create a satisfying crescendo to the series so far.” — Joshua Hallaran

There are far more problems with Kingdom Hearts III then merely its pacing. And although the core Kingdom Hearts gameplay mechanics are expanded on, something vital is still missing. The basic formula of traveling to Disney worlds carries the game forward, but ultimately most of the games story and…



Joshua Gad

Game Designer with a Bachelor of Science. I talk about techno life and design ethics while I make games.